Erik Stanger- Who is this guy?
While being engrossed in the Las Vegas shooting, I have been spending more time than usual on Twitter, since that is where a lot of independent journalists are sharing their coverage, and it seems that the mainstream media doesn't care anymore now that they have the Harry Weinstein scandal to drool over. Anyone that has been on Twitter lately knows that Donald Trump has made his fair share of questionable tweets. So, naturally, I follow him to see the drama unfold. I found myself in a rather foul mood on Saturday due to the treacherous political week that was finally coming to an end. That's when my rage met an innocent bystander named Erik Stanger who happens to be a hopeful candidate for Congress. I don't know if I should really quote what all I said, but let's just say I may have said something about him being "just like the rest of them". I even took it a step further(as I have been known to do), by telling him that he is a "sex scandal waiting to happen". Now, that was a little below the belt, but while arguing politics, I am not sure there is a line that cannot be crossed. Look at the election of 1800, when John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were running against one another. Thomas Jefferson's camp put out in the public that John Adams was a hermaphrodite, and John Adams fired back by telling the public that Thomas Jefferson was dead!! The news traveled slow, but that worked in Adam's favor because Jefferson had no time to recover and prove he was in fact alive. Adams won despite the untrue and embarrassing publicity. So, when Erik Stanger started following me on Twitter after I just tore him apart, I asked myself, "Who is this guy?" I quickly found out.
I reviewed his page and it seems like the guy IS actually different from the others. His Twitter feed reads like one of us, just as outraged as we are about the state of our country. He is outspoken about our American rights, no matter what nationality, sex, or creed, and doesn't mind letting the powers that be know. This is when I messaged him and told him that I may have misjudged him a little and I would like to know more about him.
-Grew up in Hollywood, Florida
-Lives in Denver, Colorado
-Oldest of 7 children with 2 brothers and 4 sisters
-Raised by single mother
-Studied Business Administration at Broward College
-Owner of Lovers of Anything Fabulous
-Founder of Renewables for All
-Has experience on both sides of the financial spectrum
-Has been with his wife, Mandy, by common law for 10 years
-No children
-Ordained Minister with the Universal Life Church of Modesto, CA
-Has pet chinchilla named Bijou
-Hopeful Candidate for US House, CO Congressional District 6. AKA CD6 or #CO06
There is a lot to be said about an oldest child of 7 children. It is certainly the makings of a good leader. Often times, that child does end up taking on a parental role and in Erik's case, this is most certainly true. His mother, Lisa, who just recently passed away, would work sometimes up to 4 jobs to keep them afloat and he did assist with his sibling's upbringing. Taking on this parental role instilled these skills in him at an early age, and he is fulfilled knowing he had a hand in how wonderful his sisters have turned out. Erik is quoted as saying, "My personal choice not to have children comes from being made content with that aspect of my life by helping raise three sisters who are now bold, amazing women, who I am very proud of." He is married by common law and has been with his wife, Mandy, for 10 years. They have a chinchilla, named Bijou, that Erik assures me, he treats like his own child, just as many Americans do with their pets.
Photo of Bijou from her very own Twitter account
Before I had a chance to check out his full bio, I asked him what will make him different than any other corrupt politician we have in congress now, and quite frankly, why should the people of Colorado believe him? I wanted to know how he will make a difference? His answer was thoughtful, and informational. He said, "I understand your point of view about keeping politicians incorruptible, and it is shared by many, myself included. I have been at every end of the financial spectrum. I have worked for, and alongside, small business owners and business moguls. The GOP are large business owners and/or their donors. I get how they think, I can drink right along with them, and can put up with regressive views for as long as it takes. The key is to show them that it is the best decision to divest from fossil fuels and invest in green energy. The laws I have in mind will enforce the New Economy, a moral economy, where the biggest polluters or offenders will pay the most, while the big fixers win." He also has stated on his Facebook bio that he "Employs fierce empathy, and knows when to slam the table."
I took the opportunity to ask him questions about being in the 1st state(tied with Washington) to legalize marijuana for recreational use. I wanted to know from a first hand point of view what it has done for the economy from a citizen's point of view, and potential law making one, as well as how it will help the people in general, medically speaking? Living in Ohio myself, it was on our ballot a couple years ago and we voted it down due to the dirty way it was written for big corporations. His thoughts were simple. He expressed how he has been talking about this subject for ages on the benefits. He said he was outspokenly against the Ohio bill due to corporate investors wanting to monopolize the market before it ever opened. He said, "It was an interesting case and the people of Ohio made the right choice."
GIF Courtesy of: GIPHY by way of Key & Peele
He took a few moments for lunch and ate a ham sandwich, a burger, and a grilled cheese. Then, he reminded me that he came from a large family and he learned to grab food quick. He wanted to talk more about Colorado being a leader in health and energy, then added "We have the lowest unemployment rate in the US." He is very proud of these things and you can tell in his messages.
Screen shot snippet of conversation with Erik Stanger
You will also notice that he has stated that, "It certainly has increased CO's productivity. We're now a leading GDP state. One thing we need to flaunt(Dems don't do this enough)is how much it is working. BILLIONS in revenue. Millions in taxes from Cannabis go to anti-drug education and healthcare." I told him I would like to see something like this in the Midwest to help struggling farmers, and just all around, people medically. He said, "Oh and btw, the crime? As we have predicted for decades, crime is actually much lower now, by over 20%."
Here is a link to the Washington Post from October of 2016 stating the findings so far after the legalization in Colorado and Washington to back up what Erik is saying. While it does not specifically say 20%, it does mention the drastic crime drop and millions of dollars saved by NOT putting people in jail for it.
Here's how legal pot changed Colorado and Washington
I also checked up on the GDP rating on Wikipedia and it appears that Colorado is number 19 on the list out of all the continental states in 2016, which is a significant improvement as they used to be way higher on the list. He is also correct about their unemployment rate, it is the lowest in the country, a title they have held often each month this year.
I tested him by becoming the "typical American" and complained that it is hard to invest in cleaner energy for some people. I gave him an example that there are a lot of people who really want to recycle, but it is an added expense for their household and that is what is holding people back. I told him that it is hard to convince someone to make the right change, when it is going to cost them money. I gave him solar panels as an example as well. I said a typical middle class family is just simply not going to rush out and buy into this. He pointed out that the upfront cost may be a little steep for some, but the overall savings on your energy bill is well worth it. He advised that if your home becomes self sufficient for electric power and you find yourself in excess, you could earn from selling it back to your utilities company! Who wouldn't want to call up the good old ULH&P company and say, "Hey, guess what? YOU owe Me money now." Nice thought for sure! I would actually have a few more choice words than that for them, but I am going to stay focused.
Erik is hoping to be the 1st to "Flip the 6th". The incumbent, Mike Coffman(Rep) is a staunch Trump supporter at a staggering 96%, favored to lose. I looked up a little about him just to see if I liked, or disliked what I saw. I had spoken to Erik and received all my answers before I checked out Coffman for comparison, so I would not focus my questions to Erik about Coffman, inciting a war of words. I also did not want my own image of Coffman to be tainted by another's opinion as to give him a fair chance.
Screenshot Courtesy of: Wikipedia
We can see that there is a nice little list and bio on Wikipedia for us to just rifle through and pick apart piece by piece, pertaining to his views and voting records. Well, let's take a look at what Mike Coffman is all about, I will pick issues that I look at when voting for a candidate. Feel free to check him out yourself for further info.
Screenshot Courtesy of: Wikipedia
You can see he started off really good out the gate with his military career. If I ever spoke to him I would thank him for his service. I would also ask him how much money he is retiring with since he has been in political office for so long. If you were in any governmental position when the Berlin Wall came down, you should not still be around to see Donald Trump's go up. That should be a general rule of thumb. I know Mike Coffman wasn't technically in any office until 1994 and the Berlin Wall came down in 1989 for those critics out there. We have heard Americans screaming nationwide that Congress is a problem and we need a change. Could this guy be on his way out?
Screenshot Courtesy of: Wikipedia
Of course I am going to check out the much debated abortion view. As you can see he is against abortion. I will let everyone just sit with that one and contemplate on their own. As I mentioned, the aforementioned video that Erik Stanger put on Periscope, he firmly stands with Planned Parenthood.
Screenshot Courtesy of: Wikipedia
Coffman does not support LGBTQ rights. He has also flip-flopped twice on provisions to a bill that he co-sponsored regarding sexual orientation and sexual identity discrimination. I previously asked Erik about being an ordained minister just to confirm from a bio I had read. He confirmed that he did get ordained four and a half years ago. He has been asked to do weddings and funerals and is open to doing wedding services for the LGBTQ community. He said, "LGBTQ wedding ceremonies are huge and beautiful in CO, who are still discriminated against by some."
Screenshot Courtesy of: Wikipedia
It appears Coffman openly stated that he doesn't know if Barrack Obama was born in the US, but he is not an American at heart. He did apologize a few days later stating he was "misspoken". I don't know what anyone else thinks, but this guy cannot make up his mind. I could care less what he thinks of President Obama, but he should really stand by what he says, either way. If he doesn't like him, stand by that. Especially when you are in the public's eye, assisting to decide the fate of our laws. You can't just be like "Ooops, I changed my mind again." That shows a very weak backbone to me, as well as many other Americans. The term flip-flopper was made for a guy like this.
If you look at what he has done regarding rape laws, it is not flattering either. He apparently thinks he has the right to define what rape is, since he is a woman and all(please feel my sarcasm). That kind of makes him a big old douche bag. He also did not want federal funding for abortions who suffered a pregnancy due to, what he wanted to redefine, "forcible rape". He later gave up on this which I can only assume is because he received a lot flack somewhere for it, as his flip-flopping history has shown on Wikipedia alone.
As far as Coffman's gun views, he clearly did not see the Las Vegas shooting coming, but knew of the possibility since he does not believe in any type of reform, unless it is to loosen the current laws. He opposed having universal background checks for gun purchases, and get this.... He supports having one conceal carry license to be recognized nationwide. The democrats absolutely hate this stance and I am actually surprised this guy is in office in such a progressive state. Erik Stanger believes, "We live in a country of mitigated risk. Knowing alcohol, tobacco, and firearms can hurt us is not enough for a full ban. We do need reasonable regulations. One thing we need is more gun training. If you are going to have a gun, you need to know how to use it, just like a car. If you have kids, there should be free gun storage classes." He would like the latter of these ideas mandatory. Mike Coffman and Ken Buck, both US Reps, would not comment whether they backed "bump stock" restrictions. According to the famous book, "He's just not that into you", "No answer is your answer."
Here is the article from the Denver Post, dated Oct 5, 2017, that states that Mike Coffman and Ken Buck would not comment:
Colorado's Congresspeople are open to the idea of "bump stock" ban in wake of Las Vegas massacre
I just want to point out under taxes that the only thing it says is that he repeals the Inheritance Tax on property valued over 5 million dollars. Yes folks! 5 million. Because so many Americans are living in 5 million dollar homes, and need to worry about this. This is a 1% problem if I have ever seen one. He should seriously reconsider where to focus his attention when it comes to taxes. Erik stated he would be willing to prove that he is not in this for money. He has implied to me that he does not believe that there is one person in congress today that qualifies as a middle class person. He wishes to stay middle class if he makes it to office, and will give excess to good charities if he has to, just to prove this. He says, "Equal rights are vital to Democracy." He also says he wants to show Americans that anyone can do it. He continued, "Regardless of color, religion, what you wear, who you love, all people are equal under the eyes of the law and have an equal chance to be a leader in our country."
Photo of Erik Stanger on social media
Coffman also became co-sponsor last year to give protection back to the US Supreme Court for voters discrimination, meaning he would rather protect the government, than protect the American citizens. It also shows he does not care about a fair election, decided by the people, and for the people, in this case. Now, he could have very well voted for something that was truly needed, but the fact that he wanted to give support to the elderly folks in the supreme court, who may very well remember being a witness to the bill being signed in 1965, makes it look pretty fishy to me. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 84 years old, Anthony Kennedy is 81, and Stephen Breyer coming in at the tender age of 78, just to give you an idea of what I am saying. Can someone remind me what the retiring age in the United States of America is again? 64??? If you add up the excess years these three individuals have sat on their seats past retirement, it is 51 years. That is a whole lifetime that we have thrown away on our government. Imagine if we had replaced just one of these individuals 20 years ago when we should have. Would it be any different? We will never know.
I am not saying Coffman is a horrible person by any means, but he certainly does not read well. I had previously asked Erik if he has anything that the public would find shocking and he stated, "My record is clean, and I have seen my fair share of tragedy. Enough to make me want to do something about it, while giving me the experience to know WHAT to do about it."
Erik is now seeking funding for his campaign fund, and is a part of Crowdpac and ActBlue. Once his 1st cash donation is registered, he will be an official candidate. The donations start at a mere $5. Not too bad, considering Obama started his at $15 if I am not mistaken. He advised he does have donors and one made an interesting offer. The donor wants him to hold a Facebook event(not associated with him running, but a personal one) where Erik will give out 100 marijuana cigarettes for free in support of legalizing cannabis in all 50 states. I asked him if this worried him that people(especially conservatives) would think this was him pushing marijuana on people? He let me know some interesting tidbits. "In Colorado, only stores can sell it, but it is perfectly legal for people to give it away for free to one another". He also informed me that "It is harder to find someone in Colorado that doesn't consume cannabis in one form or another, now that edibles are a thing." And "People love legal cannabis here." He has also stated that he will work with other officials to get them to see the benefits of legalizing the recreational use of marijuana.
So to all my pro-cannabis friends out there, you better start sharing this post. If you know someone that lives in Colorado, send it directly to them so they can also share and or support him, if you like what you see. I am including all the links to his social media below, as well as his Crowdpac funding page. The page also has more info about Erik and is not just seeking money, so I do urge you to check that out, especially if you are in District 6 where the outcome will affect you. He does not like to ask for money and assured me of transparency as far as dollar by dollar of where his money is spent. He also said that he has been the first in many projects, only to see them take off and succeed. His Crowdpac profile has a much more professional bio on him than the one I have provided. Here is a big message he has for the United States:
"The Democrats need to unite around a strong American message that says we value above all else and honor our people's Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Life means giving a damn about each other again, promoting #MedicareForAll as a bridge to Universal #HealthCareForAll, as Obamacare was originally intended. Liberty, as in our right to do what we please, alone to ourselves, so long as we do no harm. Decriminalization of marijuana is not enough, it has never killed anyone. Cannabis must be descheduled and made fully legal. Hemp and cannabis are the future cash crop of America. The Pursuit of Happiness is the right of every American to be able to safely live, and work, and travel, regardless of gender, or color, on the streets, and wherever need be, to pursue happiness. Enough being settled with 5% or more unemployment, not even including people not looking for work, because they're hopeless, because there's no work! No more innocent people getting shot by police. No more unarmed black and brown women and men being slaughtered because of mere nonviolent non-compliance! More peace, and equality, a basic level of resources for all, so even our lowest in society can regain their humanity and rise together to face the next day, what ever it may bring. -Erik Stanger
I hope you enjoyed this 1st issue of Tuesday's with Murrell. I always think we come across one another for a reason. I think there is a reason my 38 year old self threw my 21 year old anger at a potential congressional candidate for Colorado who was actually agreeing with me on the post! No, he is not from Ohio, but from what I am seeing, the politicians in Ohio aren't standing up for things I hold sacred and believe in for our country. So why not push for someone who is? That is how we will change this country. I did not join the military to fight for my fellow citizens, I'm not brave enough to do it in that manner. I am very thankful for the men and women that are! I am brave enough, however, to open my mouth and speak up and fight for my fellow citizen's rights and refuse to let the big government control us or our freedoms. If I have any part of helping someone to pay attention to who they are allowing to stay in office and make poor decisions, both foreign and economically, all while stacking up more retirement that they have voted in their own interest for, then I have accomplished my mission. If just one person reads this and decides to simply invest time to research what these politicians are sponsoring and voting for when America is distracted by a national tragedy(that happens all the time), then I have helped make our country stronger. One person can make a difference. So when I originally asked myself, "Who is this guy?", I am glad I took a little of my time to get to know the answer to that very question. Erik Stanger is you. He is me. He is every American that is plain "going through it". He gets it, because he has been there. He can relate, and has solutions to the problems WE are facing. Not the problems of the 1%. He should be sent as a "mold" to every single potential congressman or congresswoman as a guide of "how to vote for the people and not yourself". I don't know about anyone else, but I would rather have 100 Erik Stangers running around in Congress than 1 Steve Mnuchin or Tom Price flying around using tax payer's dollars frivolously. Check him out for yourself to make sure you agree with his views. Message him and ask him questions if something is not clear. Politicians need to be accessible to the people and Erik does that with his past actions as proof.
Erik's social media and crowpac links: (Crowdpac)
Remember.... Share! Share! Share! We must all work together as one country, instead of 50 bickering states. This is why we have accomplished little else but arguments and mud slinging since Clinton was in office. Thank you, and please comment or email if you have any questions, or would like to take part in Tuesdays with Murrell. If you would like to learn more about your fellow Americans on a human level, please subscribe. Keep it real America.
-Gina Murrell
Erik Stanger from his profile
I reviewed his page and it seems like the guy IS actually different from the others. His Twitter feed reads like one of us, just as outraged as we are about the state of our country. He is outspoken about our American rights, no matter what nationality, sex, or creed, and doesn't mind letting the powers that be know. This is when I messaged him and told him that I may have misjudged him a little and I would like to know more about him.
He was friendly right off the rip, even though, let's face it, I was a bitch. He has Activist listed as one of his attributes on his twitter feed, so I researched a little more. He has done some live Periscope videos stating his thoughts on women's rights, and how the removal of Planned Parenthood has affected so many. Here is a link to the video:
Erik Stanger during his live Periscope video 7 months ago.
I am not sure about the rest of the ladies, but a guy that can stand up for women in this day and age with all the Harvey Weinstein's lurking among us, is alright in my book! Let's take a look at a little fact sheet I have put together.
-DOB September 5, 1986-Grew up in Hollywood, Florida
-Lives in Denver, Colorado
-Oldest of 7 children with 2 brothers and 4 sisters
-Raised by single mother
-Studied Business Administration at Broward College
-Owner of Lovers of Anything Fabulous
-Founder of Renewables for All
-Has experience on both sides of the financial spectrum
-Has been with his wife, Mandy, by common law for 10 years
-No children
-Ordained Minister with the Universal Life Church of Modesto, CA
-Has pet chinchilla named Bijou
-Hopeful Candidate for US House, CO Congressional District 6. AKA CD6 or #CO06
There is a lot to be said about an oldest child of 7 children. It is certainly the makings of a good leader. Often times, that child does end up taking on a parental role and in Erik's case, this is most certainly true. His mother, Lisa, who just recently passed away, would work sometimes up to 4 jobs to keep them afloat and he did assist with his sibling's upbringing. Taking on this parental role instilled these skills in him at an early age, and he is fulfilled knowing he had a hand in how wonderful his sisters have turned out. Erik is quoted as saying, "My personal choice not to have children comes from being made content with that aspect of my life by helping raise three sisters who are now bold, amazing women, who I am very proud of." He is married by common law and has been with his wife, Mandy, for 10 years. They have a chinchilla, named Bijou, that Erik assures me, he treats like his own child, just as many Americans do with their pets.
Photo of Bijou from her very own Twitter account
Before I had a chance to check out his full bio, I asked him what will make him different than any other corrupt politician we have in congress now, and quite frankly, why should the people of Colorado believe him? I wanted to know how he will make a difference? His answer was thoughtful, and informational. He said, "I understand your point of view about keeping politicians incorruptible, and it is shared by many, myself included. I have been at every end of the financial spectrum. I have worked for, and alongside, small business owners and business moguls. The GOP are large business owners and/or their donors. I get how they think, I can drink right along with them, and can put up with regressive views for as long as it takes. The key is to show them that it is the best decision to divest from fossil fuels and invest in green energy. The laws I have in mind will enforce the New Economy, a moral economy, where the biggest polluters or offenders will pay the most, while the big fixers win." He also has stated on his Facebook bio that he "Employs fierce empathy, and knows when to slam the table."
I took the opportunity to ask him questions about being in the 1st state(tied with Washington) to legalize marijuana for recreational use. I wanted to know from a first hand point of view what it has done for the economy from a citizen's point of view, and potential law making one, as well as how it will help the people in general, medically speaking? Living in Ohio myself, it was on our ballot a couple years ago and we voted it down due to the dirty way it was written for big corporations. His thoughts were simple. He expressed how he has been talking about this subject for ages on the benefits. He said he was outspokenly against the Ohio bill due to corporate investors wanting to monopolize the market before it ever opened. He said, "It was an interesting case and the people of Ohio made the right choice."
GIF Courtesy of: GIPHY by way of Key & Peele
He took a few moments for lunch and ate a ham sandwich, a burger, and a grilled cheese. Then, he reminded me that he came from a large family and he learned to grab food quick. He wanted to talk more about Colorado being a leader in health and energy, then added "We have the lowest unemployment rate in the US." He is very proud of these things and you can tell in his messages.
Screen shot snippet of conversation with Erik Stanger
You will also notice that he has stated that, "It certainly has increased CO's productivity. We're now a leading GDP state. One thing we need to flaunt(Dems don't do this enough)is how much it is working. BILLIONS in revenue. Millions in taxes from Cannabis go to anti-drug education and healthcare." I told him I would like to see something like this in the Midwest to help struggling farmers, and just all around, people medically. He said, "Oh and btw, the crime? As we have predicted for decades, crime is actually much lower now, by over 20%."
Here is a link to the Washington Post from October of 2016 stating the findings so far after the legalization in Colorado and Washington to back up what Erik is saying. While it does not specifically say 20%, it does mention the drastic crime drop and millions of dollars saved by NOT putting people in jail for it.
Here's how legal pot changed Colorado and Washington
I also checked up on the GDP rating on Wikipedia and it appears that Colorado is number 19 on the list out of all the continental states in 2016, which is a significant improvement as they used to be way higher on the list. He is also correct about their unemployment rate, it is the lowest in the country, a title they have held often each month this year.
I tested him by becoming the "typical American" and complained that it is hard to invest in cleaner energy for some people. I gave him an example that there are a lot of people who really want to recycle, but it is an added expense for their household and that is what is holding people back. I told him that it is hard to convince someone to make the right change, when it is going to cost them money. I gave him solar panels as an example as well. I said a typical middle class family is just simply not going to rush out and buy into this. He pointed out that the upfront cost may be a little steep for some, but the overall savings on your energy bill is well worth it. He advised that if your home becomes self sufficient for electric power and you find yourself in excess, you could earn from selling it back to your utilities company! Who wouldn't want to call up the good old ULH&P company and say, "Hey, guess what? YOU owe Me money now." Nice thought for sure! I would actually have a few more choice words than that for them, but I am going to stay focused.
Erik is hoping to be the 1st to "Flip the 6th". The incumbent, Mike Coffman(Rep) is a staunch Trump supporter at a staggering 96%, favored to lose. I looked up a little about him just to see if I liked, or disliked what I saw. I had spoken to Erik and received all my answers before I checked out Coffman for comparison, so I would not focus my questions to Erik about Coffman, inciting a war of words. I also did not want my own image of Coffman to be tainted by another's opinion as to give him a fair chance.
Screenshot Courtesy of: Wikipedia
We can see that there is a nice little list and bio on Wikipedia for us to just rifle through and pick apart piece by piece, pertaining to his views and voting records. Well, let's take a look at what Mike Coffman is all about, I will pick issues that I look at when voting for a candidate. Feel free to check him out yourself for further info.
Screenshot Courtesy of: Wikipedia
You can see he started off really good out the gate with his military career. If I ever spoke to him I would thank him for his service. I would also ask him how much money he is retiring with since he has been in political office for so long. If you were in any governmental position when the Berlin Wall came down, you should not still be around to see Donald Trump's go up. That should be a general rule of thumb. I know Mike Coffman wasn't technically in any office until 1994 and the Berlin Wall came down in 1989 for those critics out there. We have heard Americans screaming nationwide that Congress is a problem and we need a change. Could this guy be on his way out?
Screenshot Courtesy of: Wikipedia
Of course I am going to check out the much debated abortion view. As you can see he is against abortion. I will let everyone just sit with that one and contemplate on their own. As I mentioned, the aforementioned video that Erik Stanger put on Periscope, he firmly stands with Planned Parenthood.
Screenshot Courtesy of: Wikipedia
Coffman does not support LGBTQ rights. He has also flip-flopped twice on provisions to a bill that he co-sponsored regarding sexual orientation and sexual identity discrimination. I previously asked Erik about being an ordained minister just to confirm from a bio I had read. He confirmed that he did get ordained four and a half years ago. He has been asked to do weddings and funerals and is open to doing wedding services for the LGBTQ community. He said, "LGBTQ wedding ceremonies are huge and beautiful in CO, who are still discriminated against by some."
Screenshot Courtesy of: Wikipedia
It appears Coffman openly stated that he doesn't know if Barrack Obama was born in the US, but he is not an American at heart. He did apologize a few days later stating he was "misspoken". I don't know what anyone else thinks, but this guy cannot make up his mind. I could care less what he thinks of President Obama, but he should really stand by what he says, either way. If he doesn't like him, stand by that. Especially when you are in the public's eye, assisting to decide the fate of our laws. You can't just be like "Ooops, I changed my mind again." That shows a very weak backbone to me, as well as many other Americans. The term flip-flopper was made for a guy like this.
GIF Courtesy of:
As far as Coffman's gun views, he clearly did not see the Las Vegas shooting coming, but knew of the possibility since he does not believe in any type of reform, unless it is to loosen the current laws. He opposed having universal background checks for gun purchases, and get this.... He supports having one conceal carry license to be recognized nationwide. The democrats absolutely hate this stance and I am actually surprised this guy is in office in such a progressive state. Erik Stanger believes, "We live in a country of mitigated risk. Knowing alcohol, tobacco, and firearms can hurt us is not enough for a full ban. We do need reasonable regulations. One thing we need is more gun training. If you are going to have a gun, you need to know how to use it, just like a car. If you have kids, there should be free gun storage classes." He would like the latter of these ideas mandatory. Mike Coffman and Ken Buck, both US Reps, would not comment whether they backed "bump stock" restrictions. According to the famous book, "He's just not that into you", "No answer is your answer."
Here is the article from the Denver Post, dated Oct 5, 2017, that states that Mike Coffman and Ken Buck would not comment:
Colorado's Congresspeople are open to the idea of "bump stock" ban in wake of Las Vegas massacre
I just want to point out under taxes that the only thing it says is that he repeals the Inheritance Tax on property valued over 5 million dollars. Yes folks! 5 million. Because so many Americans are living in 5 million dollar homes, and need to worry about this. This is a 1% problem if I have ever seen one. He should seriously reconsider where to focus his attention when it comes to taxes. Erik stated he would be willing to prove that he is not in this for money. He has implied to me that he does not believe that there is one person in congress today that qualifies as a middle class person. He wishes to stay middle class if he makes it to office, and will give excess to good charities if he has to, just to prove this. He says, "Equal rights are vital to Democracy." He also says he wants to show Americans that anyone can do it. He continued, "Regardless of color, religion, what you wear, who you love, all people are equal under the eyes of the law and have an equal chance to be a leader in our country."
Photo of Erik Stanger on social media
Coffman also became co-sponsor last year to give protection back to the US Supreme Court for voters discrimination, meaning he would rather protect the government, than protect the American citizens. It also shows he does not care about a fair election, decided by the people, and for the people, in this case. Now, he could have very well voted for something that was truly needed, but the fact that he wanted to give support to the elderly folks in the supreme court, who may very well remember being a witness to the bill being signed in 1965, makes it look pretty fishy to me. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 84 years old, Anthony Kennedy is 81, and Stephen Breyer coming in at the tender age of 78, just to give you an idea of what I am saying. Can someone remind me what the retiring age in the United States of America is again? 64??? If you add up the excess years these three individuals have sat on their seats past retirement, it is 51 years. That is a whole lifetime that we have thrown away on our government. Imagine if we had replaced just one of these individuals 20 years ago when we should have. Would it be any different? We will never know.
I am not saying Coffman is a horrible person by any means, but he certainly does not read well. I had previously asked Erik if he has anything that the public would find shocking and he stated, "My record is clean, and I have seen my fair share of tragedy. Enough to make me want to do something about it, while giving me the experience to know WHAT to do about it."
Erik is now seeking funding for his campaign fund, and is a part of Crowdpac and ActBlue. Once his 1st cash donation is registered, he will be an official candidate. The donations start at a mere $5. Not too bad, considering Obama started his at $15 if I am not mistaken. He advised he does have donors and one made an interesting offer. The donor wants him to hold a Facebook event(not associated with him running, but a personal one) where Erik will give out 100 marijuana cigarettes for free in support of legalizing cannabis in all 50 states. I asked him if this worried him that people(especially conservatives) would think this was him pushing marijuana on people? He let me know some interesting tidbits. "In Colorado, only stores can sell it, but it is perfectly legal for people to give it away for free to one another". He also informed me that "It is harder to find someone in Colorado that doesn't consume cannabis in one form or another, now that edibles are a thing." And "People love legal cannabis here." He has also stated that he will work with other officials to get them to see the benefits of legalizing the recreational use of marijuana.
So to all my pro-cannabis friends out there, you better start sharing this post. If you know someone that lives in Colorado, send it directly to them so they can also share and or support him, if you like what you see. I am including all the links to his social media below, as well as his Crowdpac funding page. The page also has more info about Erik and is not just seeking money, so I do urge you to check that out, especially if you are in District 6 where the outcome will affect you. He does not like to ask for money and assured me of transparency as far as dollar by dollar of where his money is spent. He also said that he has been the first in many projects, only to see them take off and succeed. His Crowdpac profile has a much more professional bio on him than the one I have provided. Here is a big message he has for the United States:
"The Democrats need to unite around a strong American message that says we value above all else and honor our people's Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Life means giving a damn about each other again, promoting #MedicareForAll as a bridge to Universal #HealthCareForAll, as Obamacare was originally intended. Liberty, as in our right to do what we please, alone to ourselves, so long as we do no harm. Decriminalization of marijuana is not enough, it has never killed anyone. Cannabis must be descheduled and made fully legal. Hemp and cannabis are the future cash crop of America. The Pursuit of Happiness is the right of every American to be able to safely live, and work, and travel, regardless of gender, or color, on the streets, and wherever need be, to pursue happiness. Enough being settled with 5% or more unemployment, not even including people not looking for work, because they're hopeless, because there's no work! No more innocent people getting shot by police. No more unarmed black and brown women and men being slaughtered because of mere nonviolent non-compliance! More peace, and equality, a basic level of resources for all, so even our lowest in society can regain their humanity and rise together to face the next day, what ever it may bring. -Erik Stanger
I hope you enjoyed this 1st issue of Tuesday's with Murrell. I always think we come across one another for a reason. I think there is a reason my 38 year old self threw my 21 year old anger at a potential congressional candidate for Colorado who was actually agreeing with me on the post! No, he is not from Ohio, but from what I am seeing, the politicians in Ohio aren't standing up for things I hold sacred and believe in for our country. So why not push for someone who is? That is how we will change this country. I did not join the military to fight for my fellow citizens, I'm not brave enough to do it in that manner. I am very thankful for the men and women that are! I am brave enough, however, to open my mouth and speak up and fight for my fellow citizen's rights and refuse to let the big government control us or our freedoms. If I have any part of helping someone to pay attention to who they are allowing to stay in office and make poor decisions, both foreign and economically, all while stacking up more retirement that they have voted in their own interest for, then I have accomplished my mission. If just one person reads this and decides to simply invest time to research what these politicians are sponsoring and voting for when America is distracted by a national tragedy(that happens all the time), then I have helped make our country stronger. One person can make a difference. So when I originally asked myself, "Who is this guy?", I am glad I took a little of my time to get to know the answer to that very question. Erik Stanger is you. He is me. He is every American that is plain "going through it". He gets it, because he has been there. He can relate, and has solutions to the problems WE are facing. Not the problems of the 1%. He should be sent as a "mold" to every single potential congressman or congresswoman as a guide of "how to vote for the people and not yourself". I don't know about anyone else, but I would rather have 100 Erik Stangers running around in Congress than 1 Steve Mnuchin or Tom Price flying around using tax payer's dollars frivolously. Check him out for yourself to make sure you agree with his views. Message him and ask him questions if something is not clear. Politicians need to be accessible to the people and Erik does that with his past actions as proof.
Erik's social media and crowpac links:
- ErikStanger(Twitter)
- ErikForCO(Twitter)
- ErikForCongress(Google Talk) (Crowdpac)
Remember.... Share! Share! Share! We must all work together as one country, instead of 50 bickering states. This is why we have accomplished little else but arguments and mud slinging since Clinton was in office. Thank you, and please comment or email if you have any questions, or would like to take part in Tuesdays with Murrell. If you would like to learn more about your fellow Americans on a human level, please subscribe. Keep it real America.
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